Hi Guys!
Life is crazy, especially with 4 VERY active kids. Enjoy our special family anecdotes, the silly things that go on and of course, "the darndest things my kids say".

Monday, August 16, 2010

How exciting today was. Aunalee was the first to wake up. It was 6:45 am. She said, "Mom school starts today and I CAN'T stop smiling". That made me laugh! Abigail woke up and said, "Mom I am gonna try and NOT ever get into trouble". That made me smile. Austin said, "Bethy, can I walk by myself even though the sisters get out at the same time as me"? That made me cry!
So taking the girls to their class (they are in the same) I began recollecting, the intense labor, the long feedings, the throwing up, the diapers, the crying, the baby giggles, the potty training, the first words, etc. How fast they GROW! Literally like weeds. I closed my eyes to blink and now I have big boys and big girls.
My oldest is in 4Th GRADE, soon it will be girls, hanging with his friends, and wanting nothing to do with Kenny and I. The thought blows me away.
My 2ND oldest, 1st GRADE (supposed to be 2ND) is smart and beautiful and sassy and wants to the world to be at peace. She wants to be the "best student ever" while never leaving any one out.
My 3rd , 1st GRADE as well, wants to stop sucking her thumb and waking up in the middle of the night and coming into my bed. She wants to go to a Jonas Brothers concert and scream like their "biggest fan ever".
My baby, well he definitely needs to be in pre school, but I have such hard time taking that step. I want him with me, and to stay itty bitty forever.
I'm so proud of my kids and the people they are becoming. (Boy, it seems my blogs are always about the same thing huh?)
HAPPY 1st Day of School to my GREAT kids!

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